Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Over in that blue 'yonder...

Been a while... At church, we do these things called "SOAP". You read a chapter a day from different parts of the Bible and journal about it. The other day was Deut. 3. The infamous, "Moses, you blew it" spill. Moses basically pleads with the Lord to let him be in the Promised Land. The Lord shuts him down quickly, making him look at the land that he will never get to step foot in. To me, at first, it seems pretty harsh. I know Moses disobeyed with the water from the rock, however; it seems unfair to have someone lead a bunch of complainers around for 40 years and not be rewarded for his hard work. But then, you think about it. As a teacher, it is my responsibility to enforce the rules within my classroom. The students have to obey, or there is a consequence. It's not to be harsh, it's just because that's the way life is. Since God is obviously a God who DESERVES and loves our decision to obey Him, He had to give Moses a consequence. A really harsh consequence. And thus, Moses gets to see what he can never experience for himself. ~~Woe to him that claims obedience when it is not due; woe to him that refuses it when it is~~ *Thomas Carlyle

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